Past event

April Townhall: A Deep Dive on the Settlement – What will it mean for your payments strategy?

CMSPI’s Townhall is a monthly virtual forum designed for Global 500 merchants to address key payment challenges and explore opportunities.


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Alex Ellwood

VP, Strategic Growth

The global card brands have reached a proposed settlement with merchants over a long-standing swipe fee case, with the card networks agreeing to reduce interchange fees and permit more flexibility on interchange negotiations, surcharging, and anti-steering rules.

But is this truly the great news it’s being billed as?

In this session, our specialists will be joined by Owen Glist, Partner at Constantine Cannon, an expert in card market litigation, to discuss the details of the proposed settlement. We will be unpacking the complexity that’s to come and walking through the practical impacts of the interchange fee changes and anticipated trends in network fees, honor all cards and wallets implications, honor all outlet rules changes, surcharging and steering rules, and much more.

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