Client Stories

Explore how we have tackled complex payments issues, identified inefficiencies, and implemented data-driven strategies that have propelled our clients towards significant annual savings and growth.


Global Merchant Partners with CMSPI to Save Big

CMSPI’s payment specialists leveraged granular data analysis and its proven project management methodology to deliver high seven figure annual savings (including historic rebates for over charges), improved data visibility, and increased accountability among its payment partners.

Making Data Deliver eCommerce Growth for a Large International Apparel Retailer

Our team achieved significant cost savings and accelerated growth by harnessing the power of data through Smarter Payments Intelligence.

Making Data Deliver Global Growth in the Fashion Industry

Our payments experts and the client partnered to harness the power of data to deliver Smarter Payments Intelligence.

Digital & Subscription Business Maximizes CNP Payments Performance with CMSPI

The merchant continues to work with us to monitor its performance and highlight new areas of opportunities to keep them ahead of the curve.